Harford County Public Schools - Bel Air, Maryland - Public School District
Phone - 410-588-5204
Harford County Public Schools School District
45 E Gordon STBel Air, MD 21014-2915
County: Harford
Mailing Address:
45 E Gordon ST
Bel Air, MD 21014-2915
Bel Air, MD 21014-2915
Public Schools in This District
Aberdeen High
Aberdeen Middle
Abingdon Elementary
Alternative Center
Bakerfield Elementary
Bel Air Elementary
Bel Air High
Bel Air Middle
C. Milton Wright High
Church Creek Elementary
Churchville Elementary
Darlington Elementary
Deerfield Elementary
Dublin Elementary
Edgewood Elementary
Edgewood High
Edgewood Middle
Emmorton Elementary
Fallston High
Fallston Middle School
Forest Hill Elementary
Forest Lakes Elementary
Fountain Green Elementary
G. Lisby Elementary At Hillsdale
Halls Cross Roads Elementary
Harford Technical High
Havre DE Grace Elementary
Havre DE Grace High
Havre DE Grace Middle
Hickory Elementary
Homestead/Wakefield Elementary
Jarrettsville Elementary
John Archer School
Joppatowne Elementary
Joppatowne High
Magnolia Elementary
Magnolia Middle
Meadowvale Elementary
Norrisville Elementary
North Bend Elementary
North Harford Elementary
North Harford High
North Harford Middle
Prospect Mill Elementary
Ring Factory Elementary
Riverside Elementary
Roye-Williams Elementary
Southampton Middle
William Paca/Old Post Road Elementary
William S. James Elementary
Youths Benefit Elementary
Aberdeen Middle
Abingdon Elementary
Alternative Center
Bakerfield Elementary
Bel Air Elementary
Bel Air High
Bel Air Middle
C. Milton Wright High
Church Creek Elementary
Churchville Elementary
Darlington Elementary
Deerfield Elementary
Dublin Elementary
Edgewood Elementary
Edgewood High
Edgewood Middle
Emmorton Elementary
Fallston High
Fallston Middle School
Forest Hill Elementary
Forest Lakes Elementary
Fountain Green Elementary
G. Lisby Elementary At Hillsdale
Halls Cross Roads Elementary
Harford Technical High
Havre DE Grace Elementary
Havre DE Grace High
Havre DE Grace Middle
Hickory Elementary
Homestead/Wakefield Elementary
Jarrettsville Elementary
John Archer School
Joppatowne Elementary
Joppatowne High
Magnolia Elementary
Magnolia Middle
Meadowvale Elementary
Norrisville Elementary
North Bend Elementary
North Harford Elementary
North Harford High
North Harford Middle
Prospect Mill Elementary
Ring Factory Elementary
Riverside Elementary
Roye-Williams Elementary
Southampton Middle
William Paca/Old Post Road Elementary
William S. James Elementary
Youths Benefit Elementary
Harford County Public Schools School District Data
County of Location: | Harford |
Number of Schools in This District: | 51 |
Student/Teacher ratio: | |
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: | 40,200 |
Total Males: | 20,684 |
Total Females: | 19,516 |
American Indian Students: | 215 |
Asian/Pacific Islanders : | 925 |
African Americans: | 6,571 |
Hispanic: | 1,087 |
White: | 31,402 |
Total Staff: | 4,465 |
Fulltime Teachers: | 2,297 |
Ungraded Teachers: | 0 |
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: | 20 |
Kindergarten Teachers: | 100 |
Elementary Teachers: | 1,308 |
Secondary Teachers: | 869 |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | 41 |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | 35 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | 75 |
LEA Administrators: | 54 |
School Administrators: | 115 |
LEA Admin Support Staff: | 65 |
School Admin Support Staff: | 131 |
Student Support Services Staff: | 152 |
Other Support Staff: | 797 |
Library Media Support Staff: | 40 |
Librarians Media Specialists: | 55 |
Instructional Aides - Total: | 467 |
Instructional Coordinators: | 217 |