The Benedictine School For Exc - Ridgely, Maryland - Private School
The Benedictine School For Exc
Phone - 410-634-2112
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The Benedictine School For Exc
14299 Benedictine Lane
Ridgely, MD 21660
Grades Taught
Lowest Grade Taught: | Ungraded |
Highest Grade Taught: | Ungraded |
Maryland Private Elementary Schools | |
County: | Caroline |
Total Student Population: 95
Students by Race
Race | Count | % |
American Indian - Alaskan | 0 | - |
Asian - Pacific Islander | 1 | 1.05 |
Black | 13 | 13.68 |
Hispanic | 0 | - |
White | 81 | 85.26 |
Student by Grade Count